I’ve missed a few posts, and I think it’s time to sit down and take a little time for some housekeeping. October will be a busy month. I have three assignments due, and an exam in early November. It’s also … Continue reading »One day I’ll get it right
I obsess. Not all the time. The obsessions come in waves. Every so often – for days or for weeks – I’ll get really, really into a subject or a fandom to the extent that I spent much of my … Continue reading »Mad Fixation
There’s something melancholy about the bus at night. Not at six, when everyone’s making their way home after work. Or even at seven, when the overtime stragglers, worn about the eyes, thinking about dinner, finally start their journeys. Later than … Continue reading »A schooner in a dark sea
There is a question-formulating activity we have been doing in one of my courses. Annoying though it is, it occurred to me that it is actually a good way to formulate ideas and get the brain working, so I bow … Continue reading »Amleth Rules OK
On Monday, the new semester begins. One is forced to take a look back at the last month of inter-semester break, to see what has been achieved. Not much, really. I had these grand visions of spending hours writing every … Continue reading »Pen peace
This week involved the launch of Pokémon Go, and I do love me a good dose of fiction invading reality. I mentioned it back on the 25th of May, which really was more about characters, but shows how narratives dig … Continue reading »To extend our reach to the skies above
Today is the Glorious 25th of May. Today, we remember Terry Pratchett. And we remember the brief existence of the People’s Republic of Treacle Mine Road, and those who fought and died at the barricades. Barricades always appeal, but there’s … Continue reading »They did the job in front of them.
I am bad at many things. I am bad at schedules. I love schedules, in theory. I like having structure. That’s why I like academia: there’s a rhythm to it, a set amount of things for you to do in … Continue reading »Things I am bad at
Once, I went into a Travelling Shop. It was a second-hand bookshop. The bookshelves were in different sizes. The place had an old sort of feel to it – it was in an older building, down a mysterious lane in … Continue reading »He owns a cat named Montague and eats afghans
Writing class is hard. Not the writing part – I mean, well, yes the writing part, but also, you have to read out your work. To others. Publicly. This is tremendously difficult for the best of us. I have … Continue reading »The dangers of writing, part 1 of many