Several months of not enough sleep and a few weeks of no exercise means I’m exhausted at the moment. Just exhausted. Physically exhausted, mentally exhausted. I need to sleep for a week but I barely manage eight hours a night. … Continue reading »Currently
No “Currently” this month. I need a break from them. Instead, here’s my life right now. One big to-do list. I am not writing enough poetry. I am daydreaming too much and writing stories in my head. Ever feel like … Continue reading »Life as it stands
August was a month in which I got far too little sleep, but wrote almost every day. Often the latter fact led to the former. Oh, sure, it sounds good, but I’m averaging only 6 hours sleep a night and … Continue reading »“Currently” August Edition and September Goals
I blanked on you the last week or so of July, and didn’t even notice that Saturday was my day for the Currently post. My bad. So this is a combination post, a complete July wrap-up and a goal post … Continue reading »Currently – July 2017 Edition and August Goals
I was listening to Leonard Cohen, as you do. Closing Time. I feel like lot of Cohen’s oeuvre has an element of desperation, of time slipping through one’s fingers. There’s a line in that song, “I lift my glass to … Continue reading »There’s a voice that sounds like God to me
It’s been a strange month. I’ve had essays and tests at uni, and blogging has been put on the back burner. Now the essays are handed in, the tests are behind me and I feel like I can put everything … Continue reading »Shooting for that happy medium
What the fuck happened? I turn around for ten minutes and an entire month disappears. I feel like I only just got through the mid-semester break and now the semester’s almost over. It’s June tomorrow. Halfway through the year, almost. … Continue reading »Currently – May 2017 Edition
B is for Battle, and Byron, and Beautiful. She walks in Beauty like the night. It’s for Bright, Broken, and Bedlam. B is for Blackboards, faint squeak of chalk, teachers dusting off their hands, the tap tap tap as someone … Continue reading »Snapshots in B
I always feel weird doing a Currently when I haven’t been posting much in a month, but they’re good ways to vent, and I’ve had a tough week. Loving I’m playing through ME3 again and goddamnit this game was … Continue reading »Currently – April 2017 Edition
Hey guys! It’s been a month. Uni started up again, and I think it’s going well so far. One assignment handed in, and waiting for the grade on that is gnawing on my nerves. Still, I’m more on top of … Continue reading »Currently – March 2017 Edition