Several months of not enough sleep and a few weeks of no exercise means I’m exhausted at the moment. Just exhausted. Physically exhausted, mentally exhausted. I need to sleep for a week but I barely manage eight hours a night. … Continue reading »Currently
No “Currently” this month. I need a break from them. Instead, here’s my life right now. One big to-do list. I am not writing enough poetry. I am daydreaming too much and writing stories in my head. Ever feel like … Continue reading »Life as it stands
It’s been a strange month. I’ve had essays and tests at uni, and blogging has been put on the back burner. Now the essays are handed in, the tests are behind me and I feel like I can put everything … Continue reading »Shooting for that happy medium
I always feel weird doing a Currently when I haven’t been posting much in a month, but they’re good ways to vent, and I’ve had a tough week. Loving I’m playing through ME3 again and goddamnit this game was … Continue reading »Currently – April 2017 Edition
Sin Eater is a weight in my pocket right now. The thing I want to be working on, but that I’m not touching because I have things with deadlines to deal with first. There’s a 2,700 word essay I need … Continue reading »Struggling
Hey guys! It’s been a month. Uni started up again, and I think it’s going well so far. One assignment handed in, and waiting for the grade on that is gnawing on my nerves. Still, I’m more on top of … Continue reading »Currently – March 2017 Edition
The NaNoWriMo forums are frequented for two months out of the year. I prefer it like that, actually; like there are two months of Annual Writing Holiday, one month of sharing and preparation and excitement, and the second of panic … Continue reading »Ideas, ideas, ideas
This week involved the launch of Pokémon Go, and I do love me a good dose of fiction invading reality. I mentioned it back on the 25th of May, which really was more about characters, but shows how narratives dig … Continue reading »To extend our reach to the skies above
Writing class is hard. Not the writing part – I mean, well, yes the writing part, but also, you have to read out your work. To others. Publicly. This is tremendously difficult for the best of us. I have … Continue reading »The dangers of writing, part 1 of many
Writers don’t, as a rule, need to do any English papers at university or anything like that. Some didn’t even go to university at all. It’s far from a requirement, and there’s always the chance you could hobble yourself in … Continue reading »We don’t need no education